すでにKuppingerColeのサイトに掲載され、Twitter等でも話題になっている通り、アイデンティティ界の思想的リーダーであり、MicrosoftのDistinguished EngineerであったKim Cameron氏が2021年11月30日に永眠されました。
2018年のEuropean Identity and Cloud Conferenceにて。その後も色々とイベントでお会いしてますが気さくなおじさんでした。
OpenID Foundationでも彼の功績を集めて記録しておこうという動きもありますので、まとまったら公開されるのではないかと思いますが、ここでは個人的に影響を受けたものを数点あげて故人を偲ぼうと思います。
1. The Laws of Identity
2. Microsoft Identity Manager / Azure AD Connect
ご存知の方もいらっしゃるとは思いますが、Microsoft Identity Manager、Azure AD ConnectのベースとなっているSynchronization Managerは元々は彼がCTO(だったと思う)を務めていたZoomitという会社のVIAをMicrosoftが買収して作られたMMS(Microsoft Metadirectory Services)がMIIS(Microsoft Identity Integration Server)、ILM(Identity Lifecycle Manager)、FIM(Forefront Identity Manager)、MIM(Microsoft Identity Manager)と名前を変えつつ成長してきたものだったりします。製品名が変わってもコアとなっているSynchronization Managerの設計思想とコードは20年以上が経過してもほとんど変わっていないというのはものすごいことだと思います。
3. Azure Active Directory / Identity Experience Framework
このブログでも何度も取り上げてきたAzure Active Directory(当時Active Directory vNextと呼ばれてました)とその開発フレームワークであるIdentity Experience Framework(IEF)のデザインは彼が中心となって進めたとのことです。Identiverseの会場でIEFへのプライベートアクセス版をこっそり貰ったのはもう時効かな。。。
なお、彼の最後の対面での登壇が2020年1月のOpenID Summit Tokyoでした。この時は崎村さんと私でKimやIDProのIan Glazerなどの外タレのアレンジをさせていただき、宮崎での合宿で自己主権型IDに関するディスカッションをしたのも良い経験・思い出です。
崎村さんがOpenID Summit TokyoでのKimのセッションをYoutubeにあげてくれましたので貼っておきます。
(Google Docsの音声入力&Deeplそのままなので誤訳などあると思いますが・・・)
Thank you. Hello I'd like to talk to you about digital transformation of a different kind than we normally discuss. The world, the technology world has certainly been full of discussion of digital transformation of the enterprise. But my thesis will be that when the enterprise changes the way it treats individuals. It creates a digital transformation for the individual, the lives of people change when the way enterprises treat them changes.
So in getting to that discussion I'd like to look at what we've actually achieved as identity professionals.
Well, really we’ve achieved some great things. We've satisfied all of the basic requirements of digital transformation in which enterprises redefine themselves to deal digitally with us as individuals. We've streamlined and we've professionalized the technology for distinguishing us. If you go back 10 years, that technology was really a catastrophe of amateurism and we have professionalized the way it is written, the way it is run and the way it appears. We've transitioned the world from raw authentication where only based on secrets to one where whether it be SAML or OpenID connect. We're talking about the transmission of claims. I will come back to that in a second but this is one of the most fundamental changes we've brought about. We've enabled a reliable identity dial tone for the internet and interoperability between diverse systems all of which was just a pipe dream 15 years ago. In addition we can even say we have increased dramatically the security of the internet in spite of all the work that remains to be done. I remember the day when we sat and talked about the fact that we needed to change our paradigm from attributes to claims. Attributes was the word for characteristics in a closed world of single enterprise and we realize that when you open the world and go between domains. It isn't simply a question of attributes, it's a question of who says what about whom. Attributes are spoken by an entity and you must decide whether you actually believe that entity. In other words that's where we came to the concept of claims where claims are attributes that are in doubt and you need technology to decide what you trust for which purposes. This was a fantastic change in technology without which we couldn't have moved out into an actual internet identity we would have been stuck with this prison of the individual enterprise. So I don't say all of this to puff us up and make us overly proud of ourselves. I say this to remind us all that we can do really difficult and almost unthinkable things. Claims which the notion of claims began as something which was almost impossible to explain and now the entire world bases its technology on the concept of claims of assertions that are in doubt. So we were able to transform technology on a scale that was unimaginable if you at the time. And the reason I say this is because we must bear in mind that we can do that again, we can do that now. We mustn't look at the current state of technology and say that's what it is. Our role as professionals is to actually go beyond that.
So at the same time that we congratulate ourselves let's look at how we failed.
We’ve failed to recognize that the digital transformation of enterprise created the digital transformation of individual people and we left them really in a situation of chaos. You know the thing about this is we haven't seen the fact that when all of the enterprise's digitalize then the individual faces a new problem of scale. Instead of having to deal with one enterprise or five enterprises of 20 enterprises they have to deal with hundreds and I would say thousands at this point. In addition it isn't simply a scale in terms of the number it's the question of intensity. And by intensity I mean the frequency of dealing with the services and the immersiveness of the relationship with the services. So this is a change which is really significant and further despite the hopes of the telcos who I love of course. The fact remains that people will require multiple different devices in order as it come more intensive and we're using devices in more parts of our lives for more things we need more kinds of devices and we need multiple devices and we all have Alexas now and we all have tablets and we have phones so there's not one single device and this is our we have devices in our cars and devices are propagating. And we've left people in a world where all the technology is device-specific and there is no interoperability between devices really because of the control of the operating system of the device manufacturers. And lastly well of course we have left people with all the problems of privacy and profiling and we have created a need for technological longevity and this may be one of the most difficult problems. In other words you don't just have a device you have a device that one day a terrible thing happens and you have to move to a you have to upgrade to a new device or you lose your device or whatever. So there's longevity in terms of as more is concentrated in the device the need to be able to move the device to other devices becomes greater and we have no answer for this. And similarly we have no answers to help people cope with changing service providers. When one service provider begins to disappoint us or fail us or betray us, how do we transfer our digital life to another service provider? And finally there's the problem of accommodating aging. I speak with experience about what happens when one's memory begins to fade. All of our technology depends on remembering passwords. So basically you are cut from the digital world just through the process of aging and at the point of death the process of inheritance in the digital world of your digital assets is just a chaos.
So let me ask if we've been so clever about all the things we've achieved, how could we fail in so many ways. I would say the reason is because the problems of the personal digital transformation are very gradual and they grow very very slowly. You know you don't get all of your thousands of relationships in one day. You don't have the need for multiple devices all of a sudden everything is very gradual. It's like the lobster who is putting cold water in and the water is heated slowly and the lobster doesn't complain until it's too late. This gradualness has allowed us to escape the recognition that at a certain point. That change in quantity will become a change in quality and becomes something which really causes deep social resistance.
So I have the thesis that PDT(Personal Digital Transformation)’s gradual changes are eventually making our systems usable. And that our organizations do not understand the coming social disjuncture. That is implicit in personal digital transformation. I also think that only those of us who have expertise in identity have the ability to perceive the underlying dynamics and to sound the warning bell and to adjust course within our enterprises. Only we can take the leadership recognizing and addressing the emergent realities.
Now you know in the physical world people have been expertly handling human identity for many millennia. But there has been no attempt to replicate those abilities in the digital world. The creators of digital services we the enterprises and governments have scoped our efforts to solving our own problems as enterprises. And forgetting about the requirements really of the individuals as long as they could cope incrementally with what we were dishing out to them. So the systems that we build cause rather than solve the problems of the personal digital transformation. Because they have been one-sidedly built solely from the point of view of the enterprise. So my thesis is that personal digital transformation requires us to transpose human identity in all of its brilliance and subtlety into the digital world.
Now if you look at let's look at the pattern by which digital reality has been created. I propose that what has happened is that things begin with a deep understanding of a phenomenon. Then there is innovation in order to bring about what I called transposition by transposing. It's like in music where you move from one key to another key. And here this is moving from one part of reality physical to another part of reality digital. And this pattern leads to a holistic digital equivalent. So if we think about digital audio.
People, scientists had a very good understanding of what audio was. They knew audio was a form of sound waves. And the innovation was to take those waves and sample them to see different amplitudes and then be able to say okay we can express those amplitudes as digital data and produce a holistic equivalent of the sound so that the process could be reversed to create the digital audio. And so now the end result is 50 million songs for $9.95 a month from Amazon. I mean this is a fundamental thing that was done through a holistic approach to solving the transposition problem.
But if you look at the rest of the internet this problem of transposition has been solved in a similar way. Let's take the case of just digital banking. It began with people who had a deep understanding of the phenomenon of banking, then analysts came in and understood the processes and the aspects and the things that had to be replicated. And then innovators built the visual experiences that allowed this to be used by millions and hundreds of millions and billions of people.
So what about digital identity? Where are the experts in what human identity has been for these thousands of years? Who are they? What is the invitation? What is innovation? Where's the transposition? What's the holistic digital equivalent?
Basically I have been looking at this for almost 50 years. It is impossible to find an equivalent in terms of scientists or sociologists or psychiatrists. The only thing that has been studied really is basically identification in other words for example the way that governments have handled identity you know during the last hundreds of years. And not only that when on the internet when you read about identity you read all kinds of things when you read about digital identity. And basically people just make up words and use them in ways that they just pull them out of the sky. So I believe we have to realize there are tools that can help us. One of them is in English and I'm curious to know if there are similar tools that can help us in Japanese culture, Chinese culture and other cultures. But the European because you say the whole notion of identity, it actually comes from French. So it isn't simply English, it's sort of the European experience that has been studied, and in great detail by the Oxford English Dictionary.
You may not know that dictionary, because you are not that involved in studying the details of English Origins. But you actually have not only the definition, but the uses of these words throughout time since they were first recorded in writing. And so you really can have an understanding if you look up something like identity there is great wisdom in what is expressed. I'm going to leave this with my slides but these notions that are really the essence of the Oxford English Dictionary definition are hugely accurate and important and worth reading and I would love you to share other things from your culture that would lead us to greater insights.
But I have actually distilled this my reading of the dictionary into two concepts one is selfness and one is who-ness. So selfness is the sameness of the person, the thing at all times, the condition of being a single thing, the fact that a person is itself and not something else. That's the self and selfness. Who-ness is what is said about people, the characteristics of the person, the ability to recognize the person. And I called this selfness and who-ness and somebody may think gee Kim you just said you shouldn't make up words now you're making up words but the words. Selfness originated in 1574. And the word who-ness originated in 1611. People have been thinking about these problems for a really long time.
So to make it simpler, selfness is the aggregate of all the attributes and experiences of a person through their life. Who-ness is what you share in individual relationships.
Perhaps the most important concept is that this aggregate is never visible in the physical world. To the people in your relationships they never see the whole, only you, only the self has a visibility on to all that has happened, but it has that visibility and that is fundamental to the way it exists. Privacy is the fact that the who-ness are not convertible into selfness, all right and that's what creates the distinction you know our own individuality is distinct.
So now I imagine you’re asking, okay but how do these concepts map onto current digital technology.
Well, the truth is digital identification which is what we have. We don't have digital identity yet , we have digital identification so far. Which is the who-ness from the point of view of enterprises and governments. We actually have made some progress in who-ness and that's what we've achieved as I discussed at the beginning of this presentation. But there's virtually zilch you know zero in terms of technology for selfness.
So to solve the problems of personal digital transformation, we have in order to do an MVP for digital transformation. We need massive new construction in order to build technology for selfness and we need major renovation so that who-ness can be made compatible with selfness.
Selfness is technology, you know basically the self needs its own technology just as we've automated the enterprise we haven’t automated the self and you know Ian spoke about this in terms of his concepts like active clients and so on. We need to be able to remember and manage our relationships. We need digital technology to do that for us. We need to have digital technology that handles the problem of recognition without our consciousness just as happens in this world in the physical world. We aren't conscious of meeting each other and this is an identity relationship it's simply an identity relationship. Our technology must do the same and provide this recognition layer. We must be able to move between devices from any manufacturer and use new devices without perceiving any change. And I will assert that regardless of what the device manufacturers want to do, the need to do these things as so significant that there will be social and governmental intervention in order to make just as there was around privacy in order to solve these problems of having a self across multiple devices without being prisoners of powerful corporations, and so on. We need to be able to use the services to fill in its memory to fill in the self’s memory as people age. The services can guide them and take over the problem, automate the problems of aging so that they can continue to be part of their digital world. And the digital world at the digital who-ness must evolve in the sense that we have to separate the problem of recognition of ID from the problem of characteristics of claims. So that we don't have to be conscious of all of the ID work and can achieve a world similar to the physical world.
Now to bring this down to something concrete with respect to current technology. In who-ness we need to separate the layers and and I was so pleased I was at the OpenID (Foundation) Japan meeting today and the the leaders of OpenID (Foundation Japan) are perfectly aware of this problem and are working two separate the problem of recognition and distinct impression from the problem of characteristics by splitting up ID technology from the actual claims provider technology. And we have these things. We have many initiatives here DIDs, OpenID SIOP and FIDO2. Any characteristics, we have two phenomena, one is verified credentials and one is aggregated and distributed claims. Now the important thing here is that we not unleash 10 different technologies on the people who are already victims of the personal digital transformation. So between us we as technical people must ensure the convergence of these technologies. So that they're interoperable with each other ,for example a key recognition that is that I can have when I'm using OpenID and recognition I can have when I'm using FIDO those should be once it's established in one it should be established in the other and it should automatically be because it's part of the self be shared between those different ways of doing who-ness. In terms of selfness we have been one I think an important innovation which is this notion of authenticators. The authenticators, Google has done a very good job actually of initiating this notion of authenticator. Google has done an excellent job here, but this is all very very primitive and as Ian pointed out we need to have much more advanced technology for the self.
So I'll just give my conclusions. A bullet train is headed straight for us in the form of personal digital transformation. We need to see it coming and get out of its way by evolving a holistic digital identity. OIDC which you're here to celebrate today the most promised I think it's undoubtedly the most promising deployed identification technology should be triaged and is being triaged to determine how it can fit into holistic digital identity. Then self sovereign identity, OpenID Connect SIOP and FIDO should be rethought so they fit together to solve the problems of the personal digital transformation. Otherwise they'll just make things worse, wasting everyone's time and money. This requires a great deal of careful thought. I have some examples but I've gone on too long so I'll leave the examples for people who would like to look at the slides later. So thank you very much.
さて、私たちはいくつかの素晴らしいことを成し遂げました。企業が自らを再定義し、個人としての私たちにデジタルで対応するという、デジタルトランスフォーメーションの基本的な要件をすべて満たしています。また、私たちを識別するための技術を合理化し、専門化しました。10年前に遡ると、この技術はアマチュアリズムの大惨事でしたが、私たちはその書き方、運営の仕方、表示の仕方をプロ化しました。私たちは世界を、秘密のみに基づいた生の認証から、SAMLやOpenID Connectのような認証へと移行させました。私たちは、クレームの送信について話しています。この話は後ほどしますが、これは私たちがもたらした最も基本的な変化の一つです。インターネット上で信頼性の高いIDダイヤルを実現し、多様なシステム間の相互運用性を可能にしましたが、これらは15年前には夢物語でした。さらに、まだまだ課題はありますが、インターネットのセキュリティを劇的に向上させたとも言えます。私は、属性からクレームへとパラダイムを変更する必要があると話し合った日のことを覚えています。属性とは、単一企業の閉じた世界での特性を表す言葉でしたが、世界を開いてドメイン間を行き来するようになると、そのことに気付きます。それは単に属性の問題ではなく、誰が誰について何を言っているかという問題です。属性はある存在によって語られ、その存在を実際に信じるかどうかを判断しなければなりません。つまり、クレームという概念が生まれたのです。クレームとは、疑わしい属性のことであり、どのような目的のために何を信用するかを決めるための技術が必要なのです。これはテクノロジーの素晴らしい変化でしたが、これがなければ実際のインターネット・アイデンティティに移行することはできず、個々の企業という牢獄から抜け出せなかったでしょう。私はこのようなことを、自分たちを誇示するために言っているのではありません。私がこのようなことを言うのは、私たちが本当に難しい、ほとんど考えられないようなことをすることができるということを思い出させるためです。クレームという概念は、ほとんど説明できないことから始まりましたが、今では全世界の技術が、疑わしい主張をするクレームという概念に基づいています。つまり、当時のあなたには想像もつかない規模でテクノロジーを変革することができたのです。そして、なぜこのようなことを言うのかというと、私たちはそれが再びできる、今でもできるということを念頭に置かなければならないからです。技術の現状を見て、「そういうものだ」と言ってはいけないのです。私たちプロフェッショナルの役割は、実際にそれを超えていくことです。
そこで私は、PDT(Personal Digital Transformation)の緩やかな変化によって、最終的にはシステムが使えるようになるのではないか、という仮説を立てました。そして、私たちの組織は、来るべき社会的断絶を理解していません。それがパーソナル・デジタル・トランスフォーメーションの暗黙の了解です。また、アイデンティティに関する専門知識を持っている私たちだけが、根底にあるダイナミクスを察知し、警鐘を鳴らし、企業内で軌道修正することができると思います。私たちだけが、出現した現実を認識し、それに対処するためのリーダーシップをとることができるのです。
では、デジタル・アイデンティティについてはどうでしょうか。人間のアイデンティティが何千年も続いてきたことについての専門家はどこにいるのでしょうか?彼らは誰なのか?招待とは何か?イノベーションとは何か? 転置とは何か?ホリスティックなデジタルとは?
さて、この話を現在の技術に照らし合わせて具体的に説明しましょう。Who-nessではレイヤーを分離する必要があります 今日、OpenID (Foundation) Japanのミーティングに参加してとても嬉しかったのですが、OpenID (Foundation Japan)のリーダーたちはこの問題を完全に認識していて、ID技術を実際のクレームプロバイダ技術から分離することで、認識と明確な印象の問題を特性の問題から分離する作業をしていました。そして、私たちはこのようなものを持っています。ここでは、DIDs、OpenID SIOP、FIDO2など多くのイニシアチブがあります。特徴としては、2つの現象があります。1つは認証されたクレデンシャル、もう1つは集約された分散型のクレームです。ここで重要なのは、すでにパーソナル・デジタル・トランスフォーメーションの犠牲者となっている人々に、10の異なるテクノロジーを解き放たないことです。私たち技術者は、これらの技術の収束を図る必要があります。例えば、OpenIDを使用しているときに得られる重要な認識と、FIDOを使用しているときに得られる認識は、一方で確立されれば他方でも確立されるべきであり、また、自己の一部であることから、これらの異なる自己認識の方法の間で自動的に共有されるべきです。自分らしさという点では、私たちは重要な革新を行ってきました。それは、認証器という概念です。Googleはこの認証器という概念を導入したことで、非常に良い仕事をしました。Googleは素晴らしい仕事をしましたが、これは非常に原始的なもので、イアンが指摘したように、私たちは自己のためにもっと高度な技術を持つ必要があります。
そこで、私の結論を申し上げます。個人のデジタルトランスフォーメーションという形で、新幹線が私たちに向かって直進している。私たちはその到来を察知し、全体的なデジタルアイデンティティを進化させることで、その邪魔をしないようにする必要があります。OIDCは、今日ここで皆さんに祝っていただきましたが、最も有望な展開されたID技術であることは間違いなく、全体的なデジタル・アイデンティティにどのように適合させることができるか、試行錯誤する必要があります。そして、自己主権型アイデンティティ、OpenID Connect SIOP、FIDOは、個人のデジタル変革の問題を解決するために一緒に適合するように再考されるべきです。そうでなければ、事態を悪化させ、皆の時間とお金を無駄にするだけです。そのためには、かなり慎重に考えなければなりません。いくつか例を挙げましたが、長くなりすぎましたので、例は後でスライドを見たい方のために残しておきます。それでは、ありがとうございました。