1. The mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing; firm trust, reliance, faith. Const. in (†to, on, upon).
人や物事を信頼したり頼りにしたりする心理的な態度。確固とした信頼、依存、信仰。Const. in(~に、~で、~に)。
2.a. The feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation.
2.b. Const. to do. Obsolete.
2.c. in, on, upon confidence (of, that, to do).
3.a. Assurance, boldness, fearlessness, arising from reliance (on oneself, on circumstances, on divine support, etc.).
3.b. Const. to have confidence to do (anything).
4.a. In a bad sense: Assurance based on insufficient or improper grounds; excess of assurance, overboldness, hardihood, presumption, impudence.
4.b. As an appellation: = Confident one.
5. An object or ground of trust; ‘that which gives confidence, boldness, or security’ (Johnson).
6. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy.
7. A confidential communication.
8. Trustworthiness, as a personal quality. a person of confidence: one entrusted with matters of importance or secrecy, a confidential agent.
9.a. Law. = trustn.Obsolete
法律。=信頼 n. 廃語
9.b. Christian Church.
10. confidence trick (game, etc.): a method of professional swindling, in which the victim is induced to hand over money or other valuables as a token of ‘confidence’ in the sharper. confidence man: one who practises this trick; a professional swindler of respectable appearance and address. Originally U.S.
confidence trick (game, etc.): 被害者が詐欺師に対して「信頼」の証として金銭やその他の貴重品を渡すよう仕向ける、プロの詐欺の手口。confidence man: この手口を実践する人物。外見や立ち居振る舞いが立派なプロの詐欺師。元々は米国
11. Used attributively, esp. in Statistics, as confidence coefficient noun (or confidence level) the particular probability used in defining a confidence interval, representing the likelihood that the interval will contain the parameter. confidence interval noun a range of values so defined that there is a specified probability that the value of a parameter of a population lies within it. confidence limit noun either of the two extreme values of a confidence interval.
特に統計学において、信頼区間を定義する際に使用される特定の確率を指す場合、信頼係数(または信頼度)という名詞(または信頼度)として形容詞的に使用される。信頼区間 名詞 母集団のパラメータの値がその範囲内に存在する確率が指定されている、このように定義された値の範囲。信頼限界 名詞 信頼区間の2つの極値のいずれか。