Channel: IdM実験室
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元記事はSpruce IDのWayneのこの記事です。


To maximize privacy, these pieces of data presented using a VDC should be “unlinkable.” For instance, if the same user who’d proven their age at a content website later went to a bank and proved their name, no one should be able to connect those two data points to the same ID holder, not even if the content website and the bank work together. We wouldn’t want the bank to make unfair financial credit decisions based on the perceived web browsing habits of the user.

プライバシーを最大化するために、VDCを使って提示されるこれらのデータは 「リンク不可能 」であるべきだ。例えば、コンテンツ・ウェブサイトで年齢を証明した同じユーザーが、その後銀行に行って名前を証明した場合、コンテンツ・ウェブサイトと銀行が連携していたとしても、この2つのデータを同じID保持者に結びつけることは誰にもできないはずだ。たとえコンテンツサイトと銀行が連携していたとしてもだ。私たちは、銀行がユーザーのウェブ閲覧の習慣に基づいて、不公正な金融上の信用判断を下すことを望まない。

However, VDCs are sometimes built on a single digital signature, a unique value that can be used to track or collate information about a user if shared repeatedly with one or more parties. If the content website in our example retains the single digital signature created by the issuing authority, and that same digital signature was also shared with the bank, then the content website and the bank could collude to discover more information about the user than what was intended.


The case where two or more verifiers of information can collude to learn more about the user is known as verifier-verifier collusion and can violate user privacy. While a name-age combination may seem innocuous, a third-party data collector could, over time, assemble a variety of data about a user simply by tracking their usage of unique values across many different verifiers, whether online or in-person. At scale, these issues can compound into dystopian surveillance schemes by allowing every digital interaction to be tracked and made available to the highest bidders or an unchecked central authority.


書いてあることとしては、フェデレーションモデルでも課題となっていた一つまたは複数の事業者への複数回ID情報を同一の識別子で渡す場合に意図しない属性のLookupができてしまう可能性がある、ということです。Verifiable Credentials(最近のNISTの資料ではVerifiable Digital Credentials/VDCと記載されていることが多い)だとデジタル署名が共通であることで同じことが起きてしまう、ということについて問題視されています。



Fortunately, a simple solution exists to help prevent verifier-verifier collusion by cycling digital signatures so that each is used only once. When a new VDC is issued by a post office, DMV, or other issuer, it can be provisioned not with a single signature from the issuing authority that produces linkable usage, but with many different signatures from the issuing authority. If user device keys are necessary for using the VDC, as in the case of mobile driver’s licenses, several different keys can be used as well. A properly configured digital wallet would then use a fresh signature (and potentially a fresh key) every time an ID holder uses their VDC to attest to particular pieces of information, ideally preventing linkage to the user through the signatures.

幸いなことに、デジタル署名を循環させ、各署名が一度しか使用されないようにすることで、 検証者と検証者の癒着を防ぐシンプルなソリューションが存在する。新しいVDCが郵便局、陸運局、またはその他の発行者から発行される場合、リンク可能な使用法を生成する発行機関の単一の署名ではなく、発行機関の多くの異なる署名でプロビジョニングすることができる。モバイル運転免許証の場合のように、VDCを使用するためにユーザーデバイスキーが必要な場合、複数の異なるキーを使用することもできる。適切に構成されたデジタル・ウォレットは、ID保有者がVDCを使用して特定の情報を証明するたびに、新しい署名(および潜在的に新しい鍵)を使用し、理想的には署名を通じてユーザーへのリンクを防止する。

Using our earlier example of a user who goes to a content website and uses their VDC to prove they are over 18, the digital wallet presents a signature for this interaction, and doesn’t use that signature again. When the user then visits their bank and uses a VDC to prove their name for account verification purposes, the digital wallet uses a new signature for that interaction.


Because the signatures are different across each presentation, the content website and the bank cannot collude to link these two interactions back to the same user without additional information. The user can even use different signatures every time they visit the same content website, so that the content website cannot even tell how often the user visits from repeated use of their digital ID.





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