元記事はSpruce IDのWayneのこの記事です。
However, as with all new approaches, there are some considerations when using this one as well. We will explore a few of them, but this is not an exhaustive list.
The first consideration is that TEEs have been compromised in the past, and so they are not foolproof. Therefore, this approach is best incorporated as part of a defense-in-depth strategy, where there are many layered safeguards against a system failure. Many of the critical TEE failures have resulted from multiple things that go wrong, such as giving untrusted hosts access to low-level system APIs in the case of blockchain networks, or allowing arbitrary code running on the same systems in the case of mobile devices.
One benefit of implementing this approach within credential issuer infrastructures is that the environment can be better controlled, and so more forms of isolation are possible to prevent these kinds of vulnerability chaining. Issuing authorities are not likely to allow untrusted hosts to federate into their networks, nor would they allow arbitrary software to be uploaded and executed on their machines. There are many more environmental controls possible, such as intrusion detection systems, regular patching firmware, software supply chain policies, and physical security perimeters.
We are solving the problem by shifting the trust model: the wallet trusts the hardware (TEE manufacturer) instead of the issuing authority.
Another consideration is that certain implementation guidelines for digital credentials recommend retention periods for unique values for issuing authorities. For example, AAMVA’s implementation guidelines include the following recommendations for minimum retention periods:
To navigate these requirements, it is possible to ensure that the retention periods are enforced within the TEE by allowing for deterministic regeneration of the materials only during a fixed window when requested by the right authority. The request itself can create an auditable trail to ensure legitimate usage. Alternatively, some implementers may choose to override (or update) the recommendations to prioritize creating unlinkability over auditability of certain values that may be of limited business use.
A third consideration is increased difficulty for the issuing authority to detect compromise of key material if they do not retain the signatures in plaintext. To mitigate this downside, it is possible to use data structures that are able to prove set membership status (e.g., was this digital signature issued by this system?) without linking to source data records or enumeration of signatures, such as Merkle trees and cryptographic accumulators. This allows for the detection of authorized signatures without creating linkability. It is also possible to encrypt the signatures so that only the duly authorized entities, potentially involving judicial processes, can unlock the contents.